Fellow Artists www.kcenamels.com Karen Cohen www.lyndametcalfe.com Lynda Metcalfe www.megwolfe.net Meg Wolfe www.leecagledulcimers.com Lee Cagle Professional www.metalmuseum.org National Ornamental Metal Museum www.ganoksin.com Ganoksin www.enamelistsociety.org Enamelist Society www.stuller.com Stuller www.glass-on-metal.com Glass-On-Metal www.folkschool.org John C. Campbell Folk School www.thompsonenamel.com Thompson Enamel www.arrowmont.org Arrowmont www.fsg4u.com Florida Society of Goldsmiths www.mscrafts.org Mississippi Craftsmen’s Guild www.hooverandstrong.com Hoover and Strong www.hauserandmiller.com Hauser and Miller www.topgems.homestead.com Top Gems www.newapproachschool.com New Approach School for Jewelers www.snagmetalsmith.org Society of North American Goldsmiths Non-professional www.stjude.org St. Jude Children's Research Hospital www.lebonheur.org Lebonheur Children's Medical Center www.lebonheurclub.org Lebonheur Club, Inc. www.lpmemphis.org Les Passees www.jimsplaceeast.com Jim’s Place East www.msaudubon.org Mississippi Audubon Society www.visithollysprings.org Holly Springs, Mississippi Articles, Books, and videos www.brainpress.com Brain Press Article www.kcenamels.com Karen Cohen on What is Enameling? Susan Kemp Jones P.O. Box 717 Holly Springs, Mississippi 38635 662-252-5705
Member of the Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi Member of Oxford Artist Guild Member of the Enamelist Society Member of the Society of North American Goldsmiths